NSW Business Chamber: Youth Unemployment and Skill Shortages Election Campaign

The Challenge.

NSW is Australia’s number 1 economy with the nation’s lowest unemployment rate but out of Australia’s top 8 regions of youth unemployment, half are  in NSW. Ironically, more than half of employers in NSW say they are experiencing skills shortages. So for NSW to stay number 1, we need to make the issue of youth unemployment and the state’s skill shortage number 1. How?

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Our Creative Solution.

After conducting comprehensive research, we discovered 5 distinct audience types to target, each with their own concerns and motivations. So we took NSWBC’s existing creative proposition and made it personal!

Our Creative

The Results.

“The campaign, entitled Keeping NSW Number 1, broke all previous records, securing more than 32 million impressions and media mentions. It was clear all sides of politics were aware of the key pillars and measures of the Chamber and it was significant that the Chamber secured both the Premier and Leader of the Opposition at Chamber events during the campaign. To promote key policy proposals the campaign targeted the use of traditional and social media to prosecute key messages and engage the electorate, and the strategy employed secured a record audience.”*

*NSW Business Chamber Annual Report 2019


HammondCare: Creative Strategy and Branding.